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Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Questions -- Isaiah 40:21-31

Reading today's text my eyes fell on, "Do you know? Have you not heard?' The questions are repeated twice so Isaiah has my attention.

Isaiah's words are describing God Almighty. God is everlasting. He is the Creator of all the earth. He never grows tired. His understanding is far beyond ours to comprehend. He gives strength when we are tired and increases His power within us when we are weak.

Hoping and trusting in the Lord God will renew our strength. He will help us soar far above our fears, difficulties, hurts, and distractions.

I find it comforting to know there is Someone greater than me who cares and thinks of me. I can call on Him when I need strength and peace to keep going. God has no limits, except the limits I sometimes put on Him, making Him less mighty than He is.

As I read Isaiah's words several times my heart is renewed and I am grateful for an Almighty God.

"Do you know [who God is]? Have you not heard [what God can do]?" Do you have a clearer picture?

Prayer: Lord God, You are awesome and wonderful. I praise You for there is none like You. You are able to do all things and by Your power all things are created. You are almighty. I am thankful for Your kindness, mercy and love. Amen

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