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Sunday, June 27, 2010

Thy Word Is A Lamp Unto My Feet. Psalm 119:9-16

Lighting our lives takes preparation. To light our house we need to pay the electric bill. In case we lose power, we have candles and flashlights handy. We often undervalue the work it takes to fill our life with light, or maybe it has just become second nature.

Psalm 119 explains how we can be ready, spiritually, when darkness tries to fall on our life. If we follow the wisdom in this passage, lighting our faith life can become second nature too. We need to hide the word in our heart; the only way to do that is to learn what the Bible says. What’s the best way to do that?

First we need to meditate on it. Once we’ve read a passage, mull it over. Dig deep, ask questions, let it will become real and relevant.

We also need to recount what the word says. Tell others, it will not only change the life of the seeker, it will also strengthen our knowledge of scripture.

Finally we are to delight what it says. If we study the word begrudgingly, we won’t learn a thing. If we joyfully seek to grow through our knowledge of scripture though, we will always be connected with the light source.
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