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Monday, June 28, 2010

Lamp to my Feet -- Psalm 119:105-112

Growing up, storms frequently caused power outages in our home. Mom would light a lamp and lead the way upstairs at bedtime. I remember how the light cast shadows on the walls and ceilings. It revealed each step ahead of us; behind us was darkness. The sounds of the wind and rain pounding on the windows were unsettling. As we made our way through the darkness, the warmth of the light and knowing mom held my hand made me feel secure.

Today's text reminds me how frequently God's Word is a light for my path. I am guided, taught, revived, and comforted by His Word. God takes my hand and walks beside me step by step. He is there in the center of whatever situation I am walking through. He speaks to me through His Words and helps me see where I am going. When I am obedient and focused on God through His Word, I am encouraged, my faith is strengthened, and joy fills my heart.

"I inherited Your book on living; it's mine forever—what a gift! And how happy it makes me!" Psalm 119:111 MSG

How has the Word of God been a lamp to your feet?

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Read the entire text for today on Biblegateway, Psalm 119:105-112.

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