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Friday, July 9, 2010

Family Tree, Genesis 5

Are you related to anyone famous? I had a friend growing up who was related to George Washington. Her family spent years tracking their genealogy and had documentation they were directly related to the first president of The United States.

My family has worked on our family tree too and thinks, on my father’s side, we’re related to Edgar Allen Poe. We are not totally sure, because we might have spelled Poe differently, but there is a good chance that I am related to the famous writer.

It’s cool to think we might come from famous or infamous people. Our lineage has helped shape who we are. The generations before us will influence those to come. In Genesis 5 we see the lineage of one of Adam and Eve’s children, Seth. Though some of us may not be familiar with what Seth accomplished we probably have heard of Enoch, who walked with God and didn’t die. He was so close to God that he was spared death and just taken away from earth.

Maybe you have heard of Methuselah, the oldest man in the Bible. Methuselah lived almost 1000 years. If Enoch and Methuselah aren’t familiar to you, I’m sure you’ve heard of Noah. None of us would be here today if it weren’t for Noah’s devotion to God.

What legacy will you leave future generations? I pray to be known as Katie, a woman who loved God.
Read today's entire scripture on Genesis 5

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