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Saturday, July 10, 2010

Evil all the Time - Genesis 6:1-8

We can turn good into bad. Cell phones, were used as a convenience to keep families and business partners in touch. Now, we have text-bullying, sexting, tweeting to gather rowdy crowds, and accidents from distractions of driving and texting. Drugs, used for treating illnesses, are now leading to addictions and, in many cases, death.

Before sin entered the world through Adam and Eve, God saw good in every thing He created. After sin began, people became aware of an alternative choice to good—bad choices. People, left on their own, driven by their wants and desires, had great difficulty being obedient to God.

Today's scripture states, "…that every inclination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil all the time." (v 5b) What a strong statement on the magnitude of sin people created!

“…and His heart was filled with pain.” (v 6b) Since no sin is any greater or lesser than any other in God’s eyes, this reveals how God feels about sin—my sin. To think that I fill his heart with pain stops me in my tracks! I am ashamed to admit, this doesn’t keep me from doing things I shouldn't do. How human sin is today as it was in the time of Noah.

I thank God for His awesome love, faithfulness, and constant presence. I am grateful He hasn’t left me on my own. I thank Him for His Son, Jesus Christ. By His death and resurrection I am forgiven and can turn from my sin back to Him.

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