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Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Flood Abates - Genesis 8:1-22

Is there something specific you think about when reading this chapter in Genesis?  Is there one point that jumps off the page for you?  Verse 20 struck me as curious.  "Then Noah built an altar to the Lord and, taking some of all the clean animals and clean birds, he sacrificed burnt offerings on it."

This verse reminded me of a sermon and the preacher was teaching us to thank God for our troubles; to give him praise while going through difficult times.  He went on to explain that it is during our most difficult seasons we grow.  It is through struggle and pain we gain strength and wisdom.  It is during these times in our life when God has our attention; even if we are calling out to him with our fists raised.

At first, this idea made no sense at all.  I tried to process this thought and recognized that God is with us at all times, through the good and the not so good.  Over the days following that message I listed some of my own reasons to give thanks following personal storms.  I was able to thank Him for the experience, the blessing, the knowledge He walked with me, and for making me stronger.

Noah must have been thanking God for all these reasons too.  And God blessed this worship.

Read the entire scripture for today at Biblegateway and Genesis 8:1-22

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