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Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Trust and Obey -- Genesis 7

Sometimes I tell my grandson he needs to eat some lunch before we can go outside and play. Caleb knows if he does his part, Grandmom will carry through on the agreement.

God made an agreement with Noah. He and his family and the animals in the ark would be saved if Noah did as God asked.

“And Noah did all that the LORD commanded him.” (v 5) Noah built the ark, gathered his family and the animals into the ark according to God’s instructions. God didn’t do any of the work for Noah. Noah had to be willing to focus on God. He had to choose to do his part in order to save and be saved from the impending flood.

“Then the LORD shut him in.” (v 16b) Noah trusted and obeyed God. God closed the door to the ark to secure the safety of those inside. Only Noah and those with him were saved.

Reading today’s text, I am reminded of God's promise to be with me always. I focus on God and make Him the center of my life. I am far from perfect, but if I do my part, I know God loves me and will walk with me through all sorts of joys and storms. My hope, peace and, comfort is secure in Him when I trust and obey.

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