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Sunday, July 4, 2010

Freedom is a Gift From God -- Galatians 5:1, 13-25

Today we celebrate freedom across our country. Americans, like you and me, are celebrating Independence Day with parades, fireworks, and community activities. We honor and remember the sacrifices of many men and women who have served and continue to offer their lives to secure our nation’s freedom. We pray, with thanksgiving, for our country and our people.

Paul reminds me in today's reading that I should celebrate and stand firm concerning my freedom in Christ. Christ defeated my enemies. He set me free by His death and resurrection. I can walk free in the Spirit every day of my life because of Christ's sacrifice. The Spirit leads me to see those sinful thoughts, wants, and desires that bring pain and temptation into my life. Paul instructs me to walk free from my hurts, hang ups, and habits into living in step with the fruit of the Spirit: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control.

Paul’s words have restated the importance of allowing the Spirit to reign in my heart and life. True freedom is living a life according to what God wants for me.

Prayer: Lord God, I celebrate with a humble heart and deep gratitude the gift of freedom in Christ. Help me throw off my sinful wants and desires so I may walk free in the Spirit to love and serve others.

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