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Friday, July 30, 2010

God's Perfect Plan Genesis 22

I love to read. When I find a good book, I can read it two, maybe three times. I get so immersed in some books that sometimes I don’t notice foreshadowing until I read the book again. Then I see how the author revealed the ending halfway through the book and I was unaware.

The story of God commanding Abraham to sacrifice his son Isaac is a perfect example of God foreshadowing His plan of salvation for us. There are numerous parallels between Isaac and Jesus in this passage. What God started with Isaac He would complete with his own son.

First we see that Abraham and Isaac walked for three days before reaching the place where Isaac would be sacrificed. For three days Abraham lived as if his son were dead. In the same way Jesus was in the grave for three days before resurrecting.

When God provided a ram to be sacrificed instead of Isaac he was foreshadowing to how He would provide his own son as the perfect lamb to sacrifice in our place.

Isaac carried the wood for his sacrifice just as Jesus carried the cross he would be sacrificed on. I could go on and on. This passage is full of God foreshadowing His perfect plan. Keep reading today’s passage and find some more for yourself.

Read the entire passage on Biblegatway Genesis 22

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