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Thursday, July 29, 2010

Isaac born, Ishmael expelled -- Genesis 21

I keep a journal, in fact I write in a number of books simultaneously. Before one volume is completed I often begin another. The new manuscript may contain more than prayers and thoughts, as I often find myself seeking God’s word for me, His plan for me today.  It is at times like this I need something fresh and unblemished in which to transcribe the words of my heart.

Today, after reading the scripture lesson in Genesis 21 I came to the conclusion life just isn't fair. We are taught babies are innocent beings who need protection and love; they require constant attention and nurturing. Didn't Ishmael deserve the same? He was just a baby. I decided to put this aside and go for a walk.

As often happens when I walk, God spoke to my heart, reminding me that He can bring good from evil. Many instances in the Bible reflect this thought, like, “You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good …,” (Genesis 50:20). The reading today is rich with a number of themes about God’s goodness and love. The verse, “God was with the boy as he grew up. He lived in the desert and became an archer,” jumped off the page for me. These words reassured me today that God was with the baby Ishmael, and He is with us.

Read the entire scripture reading for today at Biblegateway and Genesis 21

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