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Tuesday, July 6, 2010

No Lone Rangers, Genesis 2:4-25

As I write this devotion, I am watching my husband play with our son in the swimming pool. Steve is patiently teaching our three year old how to kick in order to move and not just splash. I am having one of those moments were I see how blessed I am. God in his infinite knowledge took me, my needs, dreams and desires into consideration when matching me with Steve. I feel so undeserving.

We have wonderful balance. On days where I am tired and in need of a break, Steve will be ready to wrestle or run around the backyard with Evan. We compliment each other’s weaknesses, or rather struggles for that day.

We see in our scripture today that God didn’t want Adam to be alone. He created someone Adam could share his life with. God still does that today. Don’t get me wrong, it’s hard being married. All relationships have their struggles. There are days when I wonder why we put ourselves through so much. That doesn’t mean that it’s not worth it. Steve and I talk frequently about how God’s was active in putting the two of us together.

Whether it’s your spouse, best friend or maybe like me you have an adopted child. I believe God’s puts us in each other’s lives for a reason. He does not want us to be alone. We were created to complement each other.

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