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Saturday, July 24, 2010

Remember The True Source Of Our Blessing, Genesis 17

For thirteen years my husband and I worked in youth ministry. Teaching teens had its rewards and tests. It was a challenge every week when preparing talks. While the Bible is exciting to me, the stories jumping off the page; teenagers don’t always share that opinion. We would spend hours creating object lessons, with visuals to drive the point home.

Object lessons are priceless when you really need the student to understand and remember. God makes his covenant, in today’s passage, an object lesson. He wants Abraham, and all of Israel, to remember His promise to make a great nation out of Abraham’s descendants. God does not want the subsequent generations to think they are the reason for their vast numbers.

Going straight to the source, God gives them a reminder. Every Hebrew male, whether born, bought, or adopted were to be circumcised. This is a physical reminder that also sets the Hebrews apart. This covenant will not be noticeable, outside of an intimate setting. God didn’t need the Persians, Greeks or Romans to identify a Hebrew at first glance. This covenant was for Israel. He promised they would be very fruitful and he knew they would need a constant reminder of His provision.

Heavenly Father,
Thank you for the physical reminders of your love and grace. From the laugh of my child, to an amazing sun set, you love me through things I can’t do myself. Help me to always remember You are the source of all my joy.
Read today's entire scripture on Biblegateway Genesis 17

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