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Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Anticipation Genesis 40

Waiting is hard. My four year old does not like to wait through commercials. He is growing up in a world with recorded TV shows and when he watches one in “real” time he gets frustrated. He wants me to fast forward through the commercials. When I explain to him that I can’t and he needs to wait he says it’s too hard.

My husband and I have been waiting for a church to call him as their pastor. We have been interviewing at churches and praying for God’s will. The wait is hard but we would rather wait for God’s timing than move forward in our own. There are churches who have wanted to hire him but we did not feel they were where God wanted us, so we wait.

In our passage today we see two prisoners waiting for Pharaoh to let them out of prison. For one of them the wait will be worth it. The other will meet disappointment. We are never sure where our waiting will lead us but God is. I believe that God loves us and wants us serving Him. I have to trust that though the time we wait seems hard and long, to God it’s no more than a commercial break.
Read the entire passage in Biblegateway Genesis 40

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