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Monday, August 16, 2010

Genesis 39 -- Success to treachery test

One of my favorite encouraging verses is found in Psalm 27:1 "The LORD is my light and my salvation--whom shall I fear?" It is these words I am reminded of when reading about Joseph in Genesis 39. Verse 2 reads: "The LORD was with Joseph and he prospered, and he lived in the house of his Egyptian master.” Remember all the trouble Joseph was in; sold into slavery by his own brothers and then carted away to a foreign land?

This portion of Joseph's life is exemplified by Trust, Temptation and Trouble. While he was experiencing each of these, the LORD was with him. Joseph's Egyptian master, Potiphar, trusted him to take care of everything he owned. After awhile, Potiphar's wife used temptation to try and seduce Joseph. Joseph ran away from her, but she lied to her husband and Joseph found himself in trouble as he was put in prison.

Joseph certainly lived an interesting life. He went from favored son to slave; from trusted servant to a wrongly accused prisoner. Then again, from inmate to being the warden’s faithful assistant. In Genesis 39:20-21 we see how the LORD was with him again. "But while Joseph was there in the prison, the LORD was with him."  Do you know that the LORD wants to be with us too, as we stumble through life? He is ready to take care of us if we trust. The LORD wants to be with us, no matter what prison we find ourselves in.  He longs to give us success just as he gave it to Joseph.

Read the entire Genesis 39 text here.

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