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Saturday, August 21, 2010

Arrest and Intercession - Genesis 44

Joseph conspires against his brothers. He has a silver cup placed in the youngest brother’s sack. God has helped Joseph forgive his brothers, but Joseph is not sure he can trust them. He is testing his brothers to see if they have changed.

Joseph sends a steward to confront his brothers. They deny taking anything. They agree whoever is found with the cup will become a slave and the others will be free. Imagine the look in their faces and the fear in their hearts when the cup is found in Benjamin’s bag!

The brothers are taken before Joseph. Judah as spokesman for the brothers said, "What can we say, master? What is there to say? How can we prove our innocence? God is behind this, exposing how bad we are. We stand guilty before you and ready to be your slaves—we're all in this together, the rest of us as guilty as the one with the chalice." (v. 16 Message)

Judah intercedes and is willing to stay in place of Benjamin. He pleads to save his father from the loss of another son, which would cause his death. This is a powerful moment of truth moving Joseph and his brothers closer to forgiveness and reconciliation!

I think God puts silver cups in our lives when we try to hide from our sins. Buried sin eventually erupts through anger, stress, fears, shame, addictions, and hurt. Like Judah, facing sin, confessing and laying our sins before the Lord and those we have sinned against brings freedom. God forgives us, restores our peace, and helps us move on in our lives. Do you have a silver cup in your life?

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To read today's text, Genesis 44, on Biblegateway, click here.

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