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Sunday, August 1, 2010

Covenant with Abraham - Genesis 12

You are never too old to be called by God. Does this surprise you? It does cause me to stop and ask myself, really? Perhaps you are preparing for retirement in the near future. What would happen to those plans if you suddenly felt God moving you into a new ministry or even calling you to go back to school and learn to counsel youth or work with addicts in recovery or minister to the homeless, what would you do? How would you feel?

It would be difficult to feel blessed wouldn't it? It would be hard to view this new circumstance as a mighty challenge that God blessed you to explore. Don't you think perhaps Abram felt much the same when he was told by God to pack up all is belongings, grab his wife and leave town. Don't you think Abram might have felt just a bit annoyed that now, at the ripe old age of 75, he was being called to venture out into a new land, a new country and start all over again. But, God was up to something BIG. Is he up to something big in your life too?

Read the entire scripture reading for today at Biblegateway and Genesis 12

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1 comment:

Judy Mathis said...

Great thought...We all need to be reminded, hear and think on this. I can relate! Praying for your safe return to Ohio.