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Wednesday, August 11, 2010

God Only Know... Genesis 32-33

Have you ever been afraid of the future? Has the unknown ever made you turn to God pleading for deliverance? My husband and I are in a season of waiting. Steve has been waiting for over a year to be ordained. We are not sure where God wants us and at times the waiting is scaring.

When we face an unknown future we have three options. Go back to where we came from, stay where we are, or keep moving forward. My husband and I have chosen to keep moving forward. We continue to serve God, knowing he has our future figured out. We pray for direction, but that doesn’t mean we stop serving as we wait for His answer.

Jacob didn’t know how his brother Esau would react to him returning. Through deception Jacob had taken his brother’s birthright and blessing. Afraid, Jacob turned to God and asked for deliverance. He also reminded himself of God’s promises and then chose to continue moving forward. With nothing else he could do about his brother, Jacob had to trust God with his future.

Trusting is not easy, an unknown future can be scary, but when we trust our future to the One who created time, we can move forward confidently knowing that the God who loves us is in control.

Read the entire passage on Biblegateway Genesis 32-33

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