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Thursday, August 12, 2010

Jacob - Genesis 34-36

The reading today is rich with lessons. I reread it many times. My mind for writing kept returning to Genesis 35:2-5.

Jacob, acting as head of his household, tells his people to get rid of all the pieces of idolatry in their possession. These things are culturally acceptable to have, but Jacob knows they are sinful distractions toward acknowledging and worshipping God.

Even good things can become sinful idols if pride enters and allows them to be the most important focus of life. The perfect house, perfect yard, perfect job, cars, money, possessions are only a few in a list of many of contemporary idols. Drug, alcohol and other addictions can take over lives as well. We may not worship our idols, but they can distract us from focusing on God.

This is a good time to pause and clean our own houses. Idols rob us of the joy, hope, love, and peace that happen when God has first place in our hearts and minds. It is worth doing the hard work necessary to recognize, admit, and throw them out of our lives.

God’s lesson about idolatry is a happy one for us. God has not left us on our own to make it through our trials and temptations. We have the gift of His son who intercedes for us. We can turn from the idols in our life, ask forgiveness and receive it. We know that with God first in our life, He will empower us, protect us, guide us, and love us. What an awesome God!

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To read today's text on Biblegateway, Genesis 34-36, click here.

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