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Monday, August 9, 2010

Jacob, Leah, and Rachel - Genesis 30:1-24

I feel sadness for Leah. She isn’t chosen by her husband, Jacob, and her sister, whom her husband loves, is jealous of her. Leah is in a marriage feeling frustrated and unloved. All she hangs on to is hope her husband will respect her as she gives him many sons.

Scripture shows that God listens to Leah in her time of distress. God sees what Leah needs and He provides. When He responds with her fifth son she recognizes God’s response as a “precious gift.”

I feel Rachel’s pain because at this point everything she wants, she can’t have. Her sister is married to the man she loves and she is unable to give Jacob any children

Rachel waits and waits, and she waits. Then God “remembered Rachel.” He gives her a son. I can hear Rachel say from the depths of her heart, “the Lord.” Suddenly Rachel acknowledges that it is God who has taken away her disgrace and provided for her needs.

It seems in this reading God is teaching patience to Jacob, Leah, and Rachel. Further, God wants them to comprehend that what is happening can only be because He is intervening in their lives. He is worthy of acknowledgement and praise!

I am reminded the Lord always sees and provides, hears and remembers. He unconditionally loves me through life wanting me to get His message.

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