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Sunday, August 8, 2010

Would You Pass The Test? Genesis 22

Has God ever tested you? This week has been a test for me. I have been dealing with a clogged sink, which resulted in a hole in my kitchen floor, a week of eating out, and a weekend without water to do dishes or laundry. Ok I admit, I don’t mind that I can’t cook, but I’m going to run out of clothes soon.

It seems to be one hit after another and I feel as if God is testing my reaction. I am constantly going to Him needing wisdom. I want to be a good witness without being a push over. I believe this is a test because self-control or should I say holding my tongue is a struggle for me.

Today’s scripture shows how Abraham was tested by God. Today’s passage makes my test pale in comparison. Abraham is commanded by God to sacrifice his only son. Could you do that? I can’t help but think that I would doubt it was God speaking. Abraham is obedient and God blesses him my giving him his son back.

Why would God do this? He teaches us through his testing. He knows the areas where we need to grow. One comfort I receive is that God won’t ask us to do anything He isn’t willing to do. He proves that by sacrificing his own son for us.

Read the entire scripture on Biblegateway Genesis 22

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