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Sunday, August 15, 2010

Joseph, Family Alienation - Genesis 37

Joseph, the son of Jacob, and great-grandson of Abraham finds himself in tense conflict with his brothers.

He gives a bad report about his half-brothers to their father. Does Joseph see danger in his future and hope his father will intervene. Why isn’t he in the fields with his brothers on another occasion? Is Joseph a tattle tale and privileged to stay out of the fields? We are not told.

Joseph, is the son of Rachel, the wife that Jacob always loved. He receives a richly ornamented robe from his father. It is an outward sign of Jacob’s great love for Joseph.

Scripture captures the story, “When his brothers saw that their father loved him more than any of them, they hated him and could not speak a kind word to him.”

Joseph foolishly shares his dreams with his father and older half brothers. Seeing his future superior to his parents and brothers gets him into a lot of trouble. His favored life is altered forever.

Joseph is sold into slavery in Egypt.

If parents favor one child over another as Jacob did, children very quickly notice it. This causes jealousies, quarrels, and hatred in families. Acting on these feelings can end up with disastrous results. What a difference it makes, in the life of a child, who grows up knowing they are loved and are a very special creation of God!

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