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Thursday, August 19, 2010

Joseph's family's first visit to Egypt -- Genesis 42

Yesterday we witnessed Joseph's rise from jailbird to top dog;  from lowly servant to exalted Governor.  Today we watch Joseph experience yet another life changing event.  As Joseph is meeting with people who have come to buy grain, he spots his brothers.  They have bowed down, not recognizing Joseph, but he knows who they are.  Is this a moment he has waited for or one he has dreaded?

I imagine myself in Joseph's place.  I would be playing the old tapes in my mind; perhaps remembering the last time I saw my brothers.  I am recalling my cries to them, begging them to help me.  My heart would be heavy.  This is a normal reaction, but there is not much normal about Joseph, is there?  God has been working with and for Joseph, preparing him for this moment in time.

God does that for us too.  All the pain and suffering we have endured to this point, God will use to further His kingdom.  Scottish author and missionary, Daniel Crawford wrote: "There is never a majestic mountain without a deep valley, there is no birth without pain."

Can you relate to Joseph's dilemma?  His mind is racing with questions. He is wondering if they have changed as he has.  He may be questioning their motives; are they here to spy or are they truly hungry?  Where is my younger brother, Benjamin; have they eliminated him too?  Don't you find these Bible stories just keep pulling you in?  Aren't they just as relevant today as yesterday? 

To read all the text for today go to Biblegate and Genesis 42.  To return to this posting hit the back arrow.

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