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Saturday, August 28, 2010

Joseph's Final Years -- Genesis 50

It is interesting to read of the fear Joseph’s brothers had, following their father’s death. Now the mighty patriarch was gone and they worried their brother would seek revenge for all the bad things they had done to him.

It is interesting too, hearing Joseph use the same words his father used a few chapters back. Genesis 50:19 “Am I in the place of God?” What a question! When Jacob said these words in Genesis 30:2, he was referring to the fact that only God could give them what they truly wanted, children. When Joseph voiced these words he was referring to the forgiveness God could give his brothers; the peace of mind they were seeking.

This inquire leads us to one of the most powerful concepts found in scripture. Verse 20 of Genesis 50 reads: “You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good to accomplish what is now being done, the saving of many lives.”

Just thinking back on my own life, and witnessing the hand of God making my messes into something useful and productive; I know He is always providing teachable moments for me to learn and grow. The eventual intent is for others to prosper as well. Aren’t God's ways perfect and amazing at the same time?

To read all the text for today go to Biblegate and Genesis 50. To return to this posting hit the back arrow.

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