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Sunday, August 29, 2010

Healing Tears, Genesis 45

Have you ever been so overtaken by emotion you just couldn’t hold it in? Three years ago Steve and I were preparing to sign papers to adopt our son. Our joy was halted hours before, when we received a call informing us of a serious problem. The severity of the issue froze the adoption and all we could do was cry.

In today’s scripture we see, “Then Joseph could no longer control himself before all his attendants, and he cried out, ‘Have everyone leave my presence!’ So there was no one with Joseph when he made himself known to his brothers. And he wept so loudly that the Egyptians heard him, and Pharaoh's household heard about it.” Joseph couldn’t hold it in anymore. His breakdown was so noticeable, Pharaoh’s household started talking.

Do you see crying as a form of weakness? Sometimes I do. But if I’m honest, it’s at times of utter despair that I am more willing to let God move. When I stop controlling the situation God is free to work His miracles undisturbed.

For Joseph, tears brought reconciliation and restorations. For my family it was a time for God to show His power. In the morning we had an issue so severe we were looking at eighteen months, at best, before we could adopt our son. Within twenty-four hours though God had the issue resolved completely. New paperwork had been filed and a date set for the adoption. God is good.

Read today entire passage on Biblegateway Genesis 45

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