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Saturday, August 7, 2010

Leah and Rachael -- Genesis 29

Years ago, more than forty years actually, I was on a first date with the man who became my husband. He took me to a movie, Romeo and Juliet. I know, you are probably saying "Awe, how sweet.” Before you get to impressed, let me continue. Half way into the movie my date leaned close and whispered in my ear, “Do you know …?” He named my sister. It seems he had been interested in her at one point in time.

“As we move through Genesis, it amazes me how much life in biblical time mirrors life in the modern world. The stories we are studying are about relationships; with each other and with God, just like today. These relationships have similar struggles and pain. One of the lessons in Genesis 29 is about two sisters, Leah and Rachel. Of course there is a man involved, named Jacob. Jacob loved Rachel, but, as a result of a deception by her father, Jacob married Rachel’s sister, Leah.

Leah loved Jacob, but scripture tells us in Genesis 29:30 “…he loved Rachel more than Leah.” What must this fact have done to the relationship between the sisters?  My heart goes out to Leah, who loved her husband all the while she knew she was not his first choice. 

There are many stories to be gleaned from Genesis 29.  Which one is speaking to your heart today?

To read all of Genesis 29 click here.

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