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Thursday, August 26, 2010

True Love Genesis 48

Three years ago my husband and I adopted an amazing little boy. I can’t imagine loving a child more than Evan, but I have to admit I had fears. When we were researching adoption, we had concerns about connecting with a child who was not biologically ours. Our fears were put to rest within months of this little guy coming into our home.

What I didn’t consider was how our extended family would accept Evan. After Evan stole our heart, I wondered if all the Grandparents, aunts and uncles would respond the same. My dreams came true after our family met Evan and the spoiling began. It never dawned on anyone to treat Evan as anything other than our son.

In our scripture today, Jacob blesses Joseph’s sons as if they are his,
“ the Angel who has delivered me from all harm
—may he bless these boys.
May they be called by my name
and the names of my fathers Abraham and Isaac,
and may they increase greatly
upon the earth."

Joseph had been estranged from his father for all of his adult life. Jacob shows Joseph that he accepts his family by giving his grandsons a son’s blessing. Joseph must have felt immense relief. His father had included his boys as family.

As adopted children of God’s do you believe He loves you as his own?  Let's live as children of the King.

Read the entire passage on Biblegateway Genesis 48

1 comment:

Judy Webb said...

This was an amazing post, Katie. Your parallel is a great example of God's love over-flowing into our lives.