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Friday, September 17, 2010

Called to Love One Another - John 13:31-38

"I'll call you, let's go out to lunch." Have you said this to a friend or told someone you would pray for them, but didn't carry through? Usually the offers are sincere and intentions are good, but intentions don't make things happen in our lives. If we are truthful, we don't always commit and focus on following through.

Jesus speaks of the love of His followers for one another as proof of their faith in Him. This will tell the world the truth about Him and His salvation when He is no longer with them. It will show that Christians are different from the world.

The words are barely spoken when Peter proudly asks, "Lord, why can't I follow you now? I will lay down my life for you." Jesus knows that Peter is sincere and his intentions good, but He also knows Peter will not do it. Jesus tells him the truth of his future betrayal, "…before the rooster crows, you will disown me three times!"

Peter is reprimanded for failing to love Christ as Christ has loved Him. The world will not be drawn to Christ through a close companion that is a liar and a betrayer. That is how ordinary men live their lives in the world.

We, as Christ's disciples, are called to be different than the world. He asks us to live a life of love for one another as He has shown us; love that will draw the world to Him.

The question on my mind right now is, "How am I doing at living this distinctive life of love?"

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Read today's text, John 13:31-38, on Biblegateway. Use the return arrow to come back to this page.

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