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Saturday, September 18, 2010

Peter can't stay awake with the LORD -- Mark 14:32-42

Years ago, I had my own business and worked seven days a week. Sundays, I would get the crews settled on their jobs and then would attend church. There were a few Sundays when I could not keep my eyes open during the sermon. The pastor noticed, was aware of my situation, but did let me know that he saw me nodding off now and then. How embarrassing!

Can’t we all relate to wanting to stay awake; needing to be alert and attentive, but lacking the power? As I was reading this story (Mark 14:32-42), I found myself stifling a yawn. I couldn’t help it. Can you imagine how Peter felt when Jesus woke him up for the third time?

Did you notice Jesus had Peter, James and John come with Him, to a closer spot, to keep him company in prayer? Jesus wanted these close friends of His to pray. He knew they would be tempted and tested in the days to come. He wanted them to stay close to Him. Jesus wasn’t looking for them to pray for Him, he wanted Peter, James and John to be praying for their needs.

Jesus wants us to keep watch, to stay close to Him too. Prayer is how we do that. Feeling sleepy? Pray.

To read all the text for today go to Biblegateway and Mark 14. To return to this posting hit the back arrow.

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