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Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Holy Living, 1 Peter 1:13-25

I love to people watch. One of my favorite places to do this is at the airport. Traveling is a stressful event for some. One can see the true nature of a person, when they are under stress. Our scripture tells us to, “be holy, because I am holy”. To be holy, is to be set apart, different from the norm. It is easier to live a holy life when things are going well, but when life become tense, the journey to holiness is not as easy.

Our scripture text provides behavior modifications that will help live a holy life. One way is to “prepare our minds for action”. When traveling, we prepare for the journey to lessen the stress. Maybe we pack a snack, just in case the pretzels aren’t enough. If you travel with children, you might pack new toys to keep them occupied. A sensible traveler will be prepared.

How do we prepare our minds spiritually though? 1 Peter says to, “be self-controlled; set your hope fully on the grace to be given you when Jesus Christ is revealed.” In other words put restrictions on your impulses. Know your weaknesses and instead of focusing on them, center your thoughts entirely on the grace of God.

Could you imagine how life would change if we just did that. If all we did was prepared our minds by focusing wholly on the undeserved love we receive from God. I have to believe that when times get hard; our true nature would now have a God centered response.

Read the entire scripture on Biblegateway 1 Peter 13-25

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