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Thursday, September 2, 2010

In His Steps - 1 Peter 2:13 - 3:7

As a child, I remember using tracing paper over a pattern or picture. Sometimes I would miss an important part or veer off a line making the copy incomplete. When I carefully followed every line, I was rewarded with a perfect reproduction of the original.

In today’s text, Peter tells me I am to trace my life along the same path as Jesus' life.

Jesus never did anything wrong. I clearly see His suffering on the cross and all the incidents surrounding His trials and death. I hear the pain, undeserved condemnation, and insults; yet He never lied, retaliated when hurt and bullied, nor did He threaten others. Jesus never sinned.

Jesus is the perfect person to show me how to respond to the hurts, problems and unjust treatment in my life. I am to "walk in His steps". I can't literally walk in His steps, but I can be guided by his example.

“For it is commendable if a man bears up under the pain of unjust suffering because he is conscious of God.” (v 19) I know that my path in life will not be straight, nor will it be without pain; but I am called to go forward with my eyes and heart focused on Christ. As He is an example to me, God wants me to be an example to others.

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