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Friday, September 24, 2010

Peter and the Risen LORD -- John 21-1:14

A bumper sticker I read once said, "A bad day fishing is still better than a good day at work."  The disciples had certainly had their share of bad days.  They experienced some difficult times what with their beloved friend, Jesus' arrest, torture and ultimate death.  The men found themselves living in fear, running and hiding from anyone who might associate them with Jesus.

Now, this hand-pick crew were further traumatized by Jesus' return to life.  Sure, He told them He would rise on the third day, but can you imagine their surprise and wonder when this actually happened?  This all had to be very stressful for them.

Peter, the new leader of this band of brothers declares, "I'm going fishing!"  The men gathered with him said, "We're going with you."  Fishing was the trade for many of these men and something they could find comfort and familiarity doing, perhaps giving them a sense of having some control over their lives again.  This is where Jesus found them one morning.

Even the fishing didn't go well until a man on shore told them to throw their nets over the other side.  They caught so many fish by being obedient, their nets were bursting.  It was at this moment Peter recognized Jesus.  "It's the Master!" he said.

How often we are rescued, only to realize it was God who got us through a situation, it was God who cured our illness, God who put us in the right place at the right time to get that job we so desperately needed.  Indeed, "It is the Master!"

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