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Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Peter Experiences the Transfiguration -- Mark 9:2-13

I remember reading a classic in High School called, Great Expectations. Our class spent weeks pouring over this story and tearing it apart, analyzing the work in an attempt to identify what made this writing so unique and special. I felt the same anticipation reading the scripture about the Transfiguration.

I am sure the phrase "Mountain Top Experience" refers to the experience Peter, James and John had when Jesus brought them with Him up a mountain for some alone time. Don't you find it interesting to note Jesus wanted to share this adventure with only these close friends, His inner circle? I know Jesus doesn't play favorites, but He does know the big picture and acts accordingly.

So much is going on in this scene. First the four of them are all alone. Then they are joined by Elijah and Moses. Then the cloud appeared, (it was a bright sunny cloudless day), enveloped them and a voice spoke, “This is my Son, whom I love. Listen to Him!” (Mark 9:7). Just as suddenly, they were alone again.

Whew – makes me dizzy just imagining how the three disciples felt. Listen to Him jumped off the page for me.  What is it about this text that grabs your attention?  Which line is your 'take-away' today?

To read all the text for today go to Biblegateway and Mark 9. To return to this posting hit the back arrow.

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