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Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Be Prepared - Mark 8:31-9:1

Remember Trivial Pursuit? The object of the game is to move around the board by correctly responding to trivia questions in various categories. While Trivial Pursuit is a fun game, it should not be our way of living. Busy lives make it easy to get lost in the pursuit of things we think are important.

In today's scripture, Jesus starts teaching the disciples about Himself. He is very clear that He must suffer, be rejected, die, and return to life after three days.

Peter doesn't get the message. He takes Jesus aside and rebukes Him. In response, Jesus admonishes Peter. Satan has put wrong thoughts into Peter's mind. Peter is in pursuit of stopping Jesus on His mission.

Jesus makes it clear that souls are too valuable to lose in pursuit of things that don't really matter. No matter what shame and humiliation or what we may have to endure, He must be at the center of our lives.

Satan constantly prowls around waiting for opportunities to get us to sin. He puts temptations before us to pursue wrong things and get us off track. Sometimes we don't see it, sometimes we know we are headed on the wrong path, but we sin anyway.

To guard our lives against sin and temptation we must be prepared by keeping our faith in God strong, being in the Word of God constantly, and having a meaningful daily prayer life. Remember our soul is priceless. We shouldn’t give it to anyone but God.

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