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Saturday, September 11, 2010

Peter Meets Jesus - John 1:35-42

One day my college teacher called me to attend a meeting in his office. Five other students and I listened as he explained his plan for exploring a new curriculum of study. When he finished, he told each of us why he hoped we would be his first students. I became excited seeing the new program as a way onto a more fitting career path. This adventure held many unanswered questions and the possibilities of problems along the way, but I chose to take the offer. I had no idea how that meeting would change my life!

In today’s text, Andrew and two disciples see Jesus “passing by”. Andrew goes right away to tell his brother about finding the Messiah, the Christ. He then brings Simon to meet Jesus.

An introduction isn’t needed; Jesus looks at Simon and knows who he is. Jesus gives Simon a new name. He is now to be known as, “Peter.” Simon Peter has no idea how his life will change in the days ahead.

I am reminded that Jesus knows who I am! I must be prepared to follow what I sense God is telling me. It may mean an interruption and change in my life along with many challenges to overcome. God won’t just swoop in and magically make my life different. I have work to do. The change will come over time as I adjust my life and way of thinking to match His.

Jesus knows you well! Is He "passing by" in your life? Have you truly believed in Him, trusted Him, and allowed Him to change your life?

Leave comments below or email us direct, here.

Read today's text, John 1:35-42 on Biblegateway. Use the return arrow to return to this page.

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