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Sunday, October 10, 2010

The Cheerful Giver 2 Corinthians 8:10-24

I get excited reading today’s passage. Sure some read it discouraged by how hard it is to give their hard earned money. I read it and think of all the people I have seen blessed through the obedience others have shown through their giving.My husband and I for one have been able to work in the church for years because others give. We have shared the gospel to hundreds of youth, and evangelized with those same youth to total strangers while on mission trips.

A young lady we were once youth leaders for, is now a missionary on a college campus. She shares the gospel to coeds each day, and her income comes solely from the offerings of Christians. All over the world people hear the gospel because others understand what they have is a gift from God, meant to be given back for His glory. I don’t know about you but that excites me!

I still remember the first official decision my husband and I made once we were married was to tithe. It has not always been easy, but God has never let us go without. When there are times when we want more, I am reminded of a prayer I prayed every Sunday in church,

Merciful Father,
We offer with joy and thanksgiving what You have first given us, ourselves, our time, and our possessions signs of Your gracious love. Receive them for the sake of Him who offered Himself for us, Jesus Christ our Lord.

God doesn’t want me to give begrudgingly, He loves a cheerful giver.

Read today passage on Biblegateway 2 Corinthians 8:10-24

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