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Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Love of Money - 1 Timothy 6:3-10

Ever wonder what happens to people who win big money in a lottery? Many use their money to benefit family, friends and community. Some lose their money and themselves to worldly desires. Stories tell of hopes to buy a mansion, take a cruise, buy an expensive car…long lists of wants. In the end: Money runs out, people fade away, and some end up on destructive paths.

When we rely on worldly wealth to provide our needs we continually feel the need to have more and more for ourselves.

However, Paul reminds us even if we’re godly, going to church and praying regularly, giving to the poor, and supposedly doing all the things we should be doing as Christians, we miss the point if we’re not content with what God gives us!

God wants to bless us; take care of us. He is generous. Contentment comes from our faith when we let God dwell in our hearts. We believe God is good. He knows our every need. We choose to commit our trust to God’s goodness, care, and love to provide for our needs. He is all we need.

Paul states that we brought nothing with us when we came into the world and we can take nothing out of it. Our hope must rest in God. It's His love that can’t be taken away. His love is the one thing we can carry with us throughout our lives in this world and into the next.

Everything the Lord gives us is good. He’s so good to us all the time it's almost unbelievable, but that’s what makes Him God. Out of His goodness, He even gave us His own life!

Read today's text, 1 Timothy 6:3-10, on Biblegateway.

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