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Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Matthew 21:12-17 - Temple Purpose

Can you picture Jesus entering the temple area and looking around?

He sees people conducting business. He dramatically makes it clear that things must change. Jesus is upset witnessing the buying, selling, and cheating. He's even more distressed that worship and prayer are routinely being replaced by dealers and buyers.

Why does Jesus demand change? God’s house is meant to be a place "of prayer" where believers can go to meet and be with Him. Experiencing God in prayer and worship separates people from the distractions of the world. Believers, while in worship, totally focus their hearts and minds on the magnificence and grace of God. Everything the buyers, sellers, and money changers are doing highly disregards the importance of worshiping and honoring God. Their actions come between the people and God making His house disturbingly less than it's meant to be.

The point is that nothing should come between us and our time of worship and prayer. When we pray we worship and connect with God. It's important to make time, corporately and personally, to tell Him that we love Him, trust Him, rely on Him, respect Him, and thank Him for everything He's done for us. Worship and prayer lead us to obedience and reliance on God’s strength. We're conscious when He instructs us, corrects and cleanses us, loves and builds us up, and molds and makes us to do His will. We worship God because of who He is. He deserves to be worshiped.

Is there something between you and your worship time with God?

Read today's text, Matthew 21:12-17, on Biblegateway.

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