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Monday, October 4, 2010

But That's Not Fair! Matthew 20:1-16

Our scripture for today talks about a generous landowner who pays equally all who work for him no matter how long they work. Those who work longer of course grumble because they figure they earned more. We can all probably relate with this passage and if we are honest, at times feel as if we should get preferential treatment for serving God longer.

My question is, then why do we serve? Do we serve because of our love for Him or because of what He can give us? Do we only serve because we don’t want to go to hell or are we so amazed with His glory and grace that we want to spend the rest of our life pointing others to Him?

Do my words seem blunt? I have been struck recently with why I serve God. I will never be perfect. My actions will not measure up to His holiness, so I am trying to focus every day on my love for Him. Thinking about all He has done for me, helps keep me humble.
Let’s take some time today thanking God for seeking us out and calling us to work His fields, planting seeds of His word for those in need.
Read the entire passage on Matthew 20:1-16

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