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Friday, October 1, 2010

Our Merciful King, Matthew 18:21-35

Have you ever needed to forgive someone of an offence they committed against you? I have. I remember vividly the feeling I would get in the pit of my stomach just thinking of the person who wronged me. I had been hurt so deeply, I needed time before I was ready to forgive.

When we forgive, we try to change bad feelings we have for a person into, if not good feelings, at least a neutral stance. We may try to put ourselves into their shoes to understand how they could have acted so hurtful, or see the situation as a learning experience. We don’t usually forgive because we love the person so much that to keep separated from them any longer hurts.

Our scripture today is about a forgiving king and unmerciful servant. When I read this passage I am struck by how undeserving I am of God’s forgiveness. I am the unmerciful servant. I have to force myself to forgive those who have wronged me. With the exception of my family, when I forgive someone, it’s not usually out of my love for them.

When God forgives us it is always out of His love for us. He doesn’t have to think about it, and heal before He can bring us back into a relationship with Him. Every time we sin against God and then confess to Him, God restores our relationship immediately. He is the true forgiving King, willing to wipe our dept clean, but he is asking us to do the same.

Read today's passage on Biblegateway Matthew 18: 21-35

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