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Saturday, October 2, 2010

The Rich Young Man - Matthew 19:16-30

I recently decided to lose some weight. Hanging on to my favorite foods and habits through the years is not the best long term health care plan. It has been hard to give up foods I crave and enjoy, but I have chosen long term good health rather than short-lived satisfaction.

The young man, in today's text, faces the dilemma of choosing between eternal rewards and temporary rewards. Jesus says he has to choose to give up his riches in order to follow in His footsteps. He has to part with what is important to him, his money and his possessions. The young man cannot give up his attachment to the stuff in his life.

"When the young man heard this, he went away sad, because he had great wealth." (v 22)

I want to say to him, “Come back! You can do it! Don’t be discouraged. Don’t give up. Jesus is telling you not to forfeit never-ending rewards for what is temporary. He realizes how humanly hard it is to give up everything and follow Him. Do you realize how important His message is? He knows you will have moments of strength and times of incredible weakness. He is telling you to stay strong with Him because when you are strong in Him you will see what you think is impossible become possible. Are you listening?”

Who or what are you attached to? Is there something that is keeping you from following Jesus?

Read today's text, Matthew 19:16-30, on Biblegateway.

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