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Saturday, October 16, 2010

Out On A Limb, Luke 19:1-10

What are you willing to do to get a glimpse of the Messiah? To what lengths would you go to be in the presence of the Savior? The rich young ruler was only concerned about going to heaven, so when Jesus told him to sell his possessions in order to inherit eternal life, he went away sad. Jesus’ disciples asked, “Who can enter heaven if the rich young ruler, who followed all the commandments, couldn’t?”

Jesus shows, though today’s scripture, what salvation really means. Picture Zacchaeus, physically he is short, he is also a wealthy man but in contrast to the rich young ruler Zacchaeus is described as a sinner. Wanting to get a look at Jesus, Zacchaeus climbs a tree. That must have been very humbling for Zacchaeus. I can imagine the taller people in the crowd snickering at Zacchaeus hanging on to a precarious limb, hoping to peek at the man everyone was talking about. Jesus sees Zacchaeus and calls to him.

We can all learn from Zacchaeus. Instead of focusing getting to heaven, we should do whatever we can to get a glimpse of Jesus. It’s not about rules, as the rich young ruler assumed, rather it’s about a relationship with the Savior.

Heavenly Father,
Once again I am humbled by Your love for me. You have called me, and You love me. Thank you for looking my way. Help me to enjoy your presence and respond the way Zacchaeus did, reconciling with those I have wronged and giving to those in need.       Amen.

Read today's scripture on Biblegateway Luke 19:1-10

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