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Friday, October 15, 2010

Tax Man and the Pharisee - Luke 18:9-14

It takes effort to practice humility.  Keeping pride under control isn't easy.  I must examine my heart and my motives daily and acknowledge my sinfulness. I guess that is why it is called practice.  It doesn't come naturally for me to admit this shortcoming.  My pride gets in my way every day.

Any writer will tell you it is fun to create a mystery, reveal a strange turn of events, step by step, while taking a few liberties by changing things up a bit to keep you, the reader, engaged and on your toes.  The good guy, bad guy theme appears in most stories, one way or another.

I have read and heard this story many times, but I never noticed before today, the role reversal going on. The 'good guy', the one who should have been wearing the 'white hat', is actually the one we do not want to be like.  But, the man who wore the black hat of tax collector is lifted up as worthy of emulating.

The script goes something like this, with the religious leader saying:  "Oh God, I thank you that I am not like other people--robbers, crooks, adulterers, or, heaven forbid, like this tax man." (Luke 18:12).  It continues with the tax man, the one everyone loves to hate, saying: "God, give mercy.  Forgive me, a sinner." (Luke 18:13)

I need to look into the mirror and see just what color hat I am wearing today.

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