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Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Your Word is Truth - John 17:8-19

Do you feel concern over family and friends? I do. When we are apart, or I haven’t spoken to them for a while, I call them.

Jesus is concerned about His disciples. They are His family on earth. He knows God cares about them too. So Jesus prays for His disciples.

Jesus will soon have to leave. His purpose on earth accomplished, He is going to join His Father in heaven. Jesus has protected and kept the disciples safe. He is leaving them in a world that hates them. They belong to God, not the world. Jesus knows he can ask and God will protect the disciples from evil. He knows God will give them the Truth of His Word.

God's Word is the same for us today. We are set apart from the world to do God’s work and to live obediently to Him. We cannot avoid the problems of the world. God doesn't want us overwhelmed and lost. We have God's promise that He will guide and strengthen us in the fight against the evil forces of the world.

Reading, studying and praying His Word daily allows Him to bless us through the Truth of His Word.

Read today's text, John 17:8-19, on Biblegateway. Use the back arrow to return to this page.

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