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Monday, October 25, 2010

Excess Baggage Joshua 24:14-27

Have you ever gone through your house and purged its contents? My husband and I have and it always feels good to get rid of things that we just don’t need. The first time was right before we moved to California.

We had boxes upon boxes in our garage that we hadn’t unpacked from our earlier move and instead of just throwing them in another moving truck, I went through each one and threw box after box away. The contents of the boxes were unnecessary. It was all stuff that literally cluttered our lives.

In today’s scripture Joshua is taking a stand and proclaiming where his allegiance lies. He is proclaiming to all of Israel that he and his family will serve the LORD. The people of Israel follow suit and vow to serve God too. Joshua explains to them the importance of the commitment they were making. He proceeds to say, “Throw away the foreign gods that are among you and yield your hearts to the LORD, the God of Israel”

Joshua knows that the only way Israel will be able to follow through with their pledge is if they purge their lives of all the other gods they serve. Worshipping false gods is nothing but clutter piling up. Joshua does not want Israel to sift through the baggage he wants them to throw it out!

Let’s all pledge to throw out any excess baggage in order to serve God and Him only.  
Read the entire passage on Biblegateway Joshua 24:14-27

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