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Monday, November 22, 2010

All Flesh is as Grass - 1 Peter 1:23-25

Are you different today than you were yesterday? When I read God’s Word I always hear something that makes a difference in my heart…my attitude, my thinking, or what I should or could be doing. It also offers me words for strength, hope, joy, insight, or just a peaceful rest. God meets me where I am and changes me.

In a favorite children’s book, The Carrot Seed, a little boy has faith in a tiny carrot seed he plants. Page after page you see him watering, pulling weeds, and waiting patiently for the carrot to grow. It takes time, but his patience and work is rewarded with a huge carrot.

The Word of God starts to work in our hearts. It takes time. Sometimes we have to hear the same thing several times before it really starts to connect, grow us and change us. God’s Word planted in us will mold us and make us into what God wants us to be and do. It is hard sometimes to understand scripture. It is hard to find the time to sit with God, but we need to choose to plant the seed by faith, persevere, and wait patiently. God is faithful. He will help connect the dots that lead us to Him.

We are all like grass. We will wither and die, but God’s Word will remain. It will meet you where you are and it will be satisfying. You will be encouraged, comforted and blessed. God’s Word is alive and everlasting. Let it keep talking to you.

Read today's text on Biblegateway.

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