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Monday, November 1, 2010

Psalm 16 - In Your Right Hand are Pleasures Evermore

Have you heard the saying, "God is good; all the time?" I thought of it as I read Psalm 16 today. Another familiar phrase, "Hang on to what is good," also popped into my mind.

David equated God with good. He says, "apart from [God] I have no good thing." (v 2) David twice mentioned staying by his Father's side and in His presence. (v 8,11)

David trusted and depended on God for his safety. (v 1)
He received many blessings. (vs 5-6).
He praised God for guidance in his life. (vs 7,11)
David rejoiced with gladness and rested in God's care. (v 9)
David knew that just as Christ would conquer death (v 10), God would not leave him in the grave. He had joy and assurance in "eternal pleasures at [God's] right hand. (v 11).

Do you realize: When we hang on to the One we know is good all the time…as we put our trust in Him…as we develop a relationship with Him, we experience the same blessings as David.

Our days can be filled with many challenging hurdles. When we rest in God's care, hold His hand, and keep our focus on Him, we can trust Him to work out our circumstances. When we keep God by our side, He can lead us onto the right path. When we entrust ourselves into God’s care, we can live with joy. He promises us we will be resurrected to eternal life. Isn't it awesome that there is no end to what God has for us!

Read today's text on Biblegateway. Use the return arrow to return to this page.

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