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Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Jesus raises Jairus' daughter - Mark 5:21-43

The heading for the Scripture reading for today, A Dead Girl and a Sick Woman, had my attention. I read, "My little daughter is dying, Please come..." (Mark 5:23) As a parent and a grandparent these words instill a sense of urgency in my heart. I want to add, "Yes, Jesus, hurry!" My humanness is telling me Jesus has to be with the little girl in order to take care of her. My human reasoning forgets that Jesus is also God and not encumbered with human limitation.

There is another fascinating scene playing out here--Jesus is multi-tasking. On His way to minister to Jairus' daughter, He encounters a woman who suffered for many years. Doctors were baffled and unable to help her. Jesus sensed her presence when she touched his robe. He felt His power, can you imagine what power that must have been!

I think of times I have prayed with someone, or listened to someone in trouble, and how afterwards I felt physically drained because of the emotional toll. Perhaps, but to a much greater extent, this is what Jesus was experiencing. Doesn't that give you chills? He was curing this unseen woman and still in control of the dying child.

“Your daughter is dead,” (Mark 5:35) “Don’t be afraid; just believe.” (Mark 5:36) “The child is not dead but asleep.” (Mark 5:39) “But they laughed at Him.” (Mark 5:40) I’m not laughing, are you?

To read the complete text for today click here .  To return to this posting hit the back arrow.

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