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Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Those Sitting in Darkness - Psalm 107:10-16

The people in prison were there because of their rebellion against God. God humbled them by putting them in chains and making them work hard. They were miserable and stumbled in the darkness. They felt they would die. There was no one to help them. They were without hope. (v 10-12)

They cried out to the Lord. God, in His infinite grace, heard their cries and rescued them out of their darkness. (v 13-14)

The Psalmist jumps ahead and enters what their response to being saved should be: ”Let them give thanks to the Lord for his unfailing love and his wonderful deeds…” (v 15-16)

We can be frozen in our world by unexpected life situations: the death of a loved one, loss of job, illness, or terrible accident. We can stumble around in life when we feel helpless in our addictions. We can be blinded by our habits of anger, overwork, wanting more than we need. We invite or allow these things to imprison our minds and hearts, and turn us away from God. We create our own darkness.

When we find ourselves sitting in darkness, fear, pain, or helplessness we can turn to Him. He will rescue us. Thank God for His incredible patience and for His abounding mercy and forgiveness in Christ. Confess to Him any ways in which you resist His care and control of your life. Ask forgiveness and choose to trust Him.

He, alone, offers hope and strength to those who sit in darkness.

Read today's text on Biblegateway. Use the arrow key to return to Bible Blast.

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