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Sunday, April 24, 2011

Easter Morning Matthew 28:1-10

Easter morn and He is risen!
Oh Yes, He is risen indeed.

Easter morn and He is risen!
The Father's will, He did heed.

The sun is up let's celebrate,
Oh Yes, He is risen, indeed.
Our sins are gone both small and great.
All of our debts are washed clean.
The sun is up let's celebrate.
Tell me do you know what that means?
Jesus' risen, He reigns supreme!
All of our debts are washed clean.

Our souls for him He did redeem.
The angels proclaim, "He's not here".
Jesus' risen, He reigns supreme!
We no longer have to fear.
Easter morn and He is risen!
The angels proclaim, "He's not here".
Easter morn and He is risen!

1 comment:

Judy Webb said...

This is a great Easter posting. Thanks for writing this. Did you just do it or did you have it in your archives?

Yo Mama