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Saturday, April 23, 2011

1 Corinthians 15:50-58

It is Friday, but Sunday is coming!  How many times have we heard this shout during Holy Week? To the world, this merely means it is Friday -- the last day of work -- time to party.  Christians the world over recognize this line and know that it is Good Friday, but Easter Sunday is coming.

On the first Good Friday, the disciples experienced the loss of Jesus, their friend and teacher and a man they loved deeply.  The violent death of Jesus caused them to be afraid and to run.  They still didn't get it, didn't quite grasp what Jesus had been telling them.  Sometimes we too experience fear when someone we love dies.  

"Where, O death, is your victory? Where, O death, is your sting?”

Because of Easter Sunday and the Resurrection we celebrate each year, there is such a difference in how we Christians mourn the loss of a loved one. It still hurts, there are still many tears and much sadness, but the difference lies with the fact we know for sure we will see that person again.  We are confident that Jesus is waiting to usher him/her into His house.  This is why Easter is such a glorious time of celebration each year.

Hang on, it is Saturday, but Sunday is coming!

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